30 Shortcut Keys

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  1. Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys
  2. All Shortcuts On Computer

Shortcut keys

If you really want to get productive with LDCad you'll need to learn (some of) the keyboard shortcut keys in order to minimize mouse usage and speedup frequently used features otherwise 'hidden' in menus.

  1. If you want to dive deep and customize Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts at length, WinHotKey is highly recommended. Download WinHotKey. SEE ALSO: 18 Beginner Tips for Windows 10 Familiarize with the New Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts. So that is a complete list of all the useful Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts that you should be using right now.
  2. Shortcuts are a great way to save time and energy in Excel, but there are more than 200, so the list can seem overwhelming. In this rapid fire video, we demo.

Keep in mind the current mouse cursor location will dictate what keys do. Therefore the following overview has listings for each major region.

ctrl+NStart a new file/model.
ctrl+OOpen an existing file/model from disk.
ctrl+SSave the file the current model is part of.
ctrl+shift+SSave all changed LDraw files.
ctrl+WClose current file.
F05Reload current file.
F11Enable/disable rendering of snap info points.
up/downScroll one item up/down.
pageup/pagedownScroll a page up/down.
home/endScroll the first/last item into view.
mousewheelScroll one item up/down
escNavigate to the parent group if any.
Colorbin menus
up/downScroll one item up/down.
pageup/pagedownScroll a page up/down.
home/endScroll the first/last item into view.
mousewheelScroll one item up/down
Colorbin wheel.
left/rightRotate the wheel one segment.
up/downGo to the next/previous page.
pagup/pagedownGo to the next/previous page.
home/endGo to the first/last page.
mousewheelRotate the wheel one segment.
ctrl+mousewheelTilt the wheel up/down.
ctrl+lmbApply the color of the wheel segment below the mouse to the selection.
dbl LMB on wheel segmentSame as ctrl+lmb.
Color bin general
1.6 Switch to view.
F Add the current color to your favorites.
shift+FRemove the current color from your favorites.
ctrl+lmbApply the history bar color below the mouse to the selection.
up/downScroll one row up/down.
pageup/pagedownScroll to the next/previous page.
home/endScroll the first/last row into view.
escIf the mouse is inside the filter text area it will clear the filter, if not it will navigate to the parent group if any.
F3Opens the filter dialog.
returnOpens the filter dialog if the mouse cursor is currently inside the filter text rectangle.
endClear filter text if inside the filter region.
insInsert the part below the mouse at 0,0,0 in the current model.
double lmbReplace the selection with the item below the mouse cursor. If no selection is active it will insert the item at 0,0,0 like the ins key does.
escGo one level/group up.
+ / - Increase/decrease the number of item columns.
F Add the current working part to your favorites.
shift+FRemove the current working part from your favorites.
R Reset cell orientations to the current default.
1.6 Switch to view.
mousewheelScroll one row up/down
shift+mousewheel Scroll a couple of rows up/down.
ctrl+lmb+mousemoveRotate cell content if the cursor is currently in a cell.
ctrl+mousewheel Rotate cell content left/right.
ctrl+alt+mousewheelRotate cell content up/down.
dbl lmb on cellApply to selection.
lmb on partSelect or deselect.
ctrl+lmb on partAdd to or remove from selection.
shift+lmb on partSet part as the current working part without changing any of the other work variables.
ctrl+shift+lmb on partMake part the selection's main item.
ins1: While no selection or a single selection is active it will insert a new instance of the current working part.
2: If a muliple selection is active it will replicate it like ctrl+d does.
ctrl+DDuplicate the current selection.
ctrl+ins Append a new building step.
shift+insInsert the last used session's model as if it were the current working part.
delDelete the selection.
esc1: Cancel the current editing activity if supported.
2: Deselect the selection, if any, otherwise.
home1: Snap to the current editing grid using the current plane's (2D) axis' only.
2: While inserting/moving parts it will reset the 'floating' parts orientation.
3: While the mouse is inside the animation panel seek to the first frame instead.
ctrl+home Reset the selection's orientation relative to the current grid orientation.
shift+homeSnap to all (3D) grid axis'.
end1: Switch back to the previous used session/model.
2: While the mouse is inside the animation panel it will seek the last frame instead.
ctrl+endswitch to the main session/model in the current LDraw file.
shift+endswitch to the session/model of the current selection's main item.
ctrl+shift+endDuring nested mode switches to the session/model which contains the current selection's main item.
pageup/pagedown 1: Go to the next/previous building step.
2: While inserting/moving parts it will rotate the 'floating' parts 90 degrees around the screens depth axis.
ctrl+pageup/pagedown1: Go to the last/first building step.
2: While inserting/moving parts it will rotate the 'floating' parts 45 degrees around the screens depth axis.
left/right 1: While the editing pin is in move mode, it will move the selection on grid step on it's horizontal axis.
2: While the editing pin is in rotate mode it will rotate the selection on rotate step around the current editing plane's dead axis.
3: While inserting/moving parts it will rotate the 'floating' parts 90 degrees around the screens vertical axis.
4: If the mouse is over a path point resize control spot it will resize it by one grid step.
ctrl+left/right1: During move mode it will force rotation grid manipulation, during rotation or center move mode it will force gird move manipulation.
2: While inserting/moving parts it will rotate the 'floating' parts 45 degrees around the screens vertical axis.
up/down 1: While the editing pin is in move mode, it will move the selection on grid step on it's vertical axis.
2: While the editing pin is in rotate mode it will rotate the selection on rotate step around the current editing plane's dead axis.
3: While inserting/moving parts it will rotate the 'floating' parts 90 degrees around the screens horizontal axis.
4: If the mouse is over a path point resize control spot it will resize it by one grid step.
ctrl+up/down1: During move mode it will force grid rotation manipulation, during rotation or center move mode it will force grid move manipulation.
2: While inserting/moving parts it will rotate the 'floating' parts 45 degrees around the screens horizontal axis.
return Open a relevant dialog for the current selection or model.
spacebarSwitch between split views (if any) and a zoomed current editing view.
FSet the editing plane to front/back (XY).
TSet the editing plane to top/bottom (XZ).
SSet the editing plane to sides (ZY).
OChange the grid orientation to match the current selection's main part. Or reset to the absolute grid if no selection is active.
MSet (the editing pin in) move mode.
ctrl+M Open the selection move dialog.
R Set (the editing pin in) rotate mode.
ctrl+R Open the selection rotate dialog.
A Go to animation mode.
shift+A Leave animation mode.
ctrl+A Select all.
shift+ctrl+A Select none.
P 1: Show/hide the edting pin or rectangle depending on projection mode.
2: Play/pause the animation while in animation mode.
shift+PEnable/disable part snapping.
shift+ctrl+PInitialize resizing of the editing pin length.
C Center the camera on the current selection.
ctrl+C Copy the selection's LDraw data to the clipboard. A dialog with additional options might appear if needed.
shift+c Move the selection to 0,0,0.
VSwitch the camera between the perspective and orthographic projection mode.
shift+VSwitch the camera between the perspective and orthographic projection mode while trying to retain the current view direction.
ctrl+VPaste LDraw data from the clipboard into the model. A dialog with options might show up first if needed.
ZZoom to fit.
ctrl+ZUndo the last editing action.
shift+ctrl+ZRedo the last undone editing action.
EAdd the current selection to the nesting exclusion list.
ctrl+ERemove the current selection from the nesting exclusion list.
ctrl+shift+EClear the nesting exclusion list.
HHide (ghost) the selection.
ctrl+HUndo the last selection hide.
ctrl+shift+H Make all currently hidden parts visible again.
GShow/hide the selection's editing grid.
ctrl+GCreate a new group from the current selection.
shift+ctrl+GRemove all top level grouping from the current selection.
LEnable/disable looped playback for the current animation if any.
IShow/hide the selected parts information panel.
ctrl+IShow/hide the (bottom/left) document information icon.
ctrl+F05Regenerate dynamic (path/spring) parts.
ctrl+XCut (copy to clipboard and remove) the current selection. A dialog with extra options might first appear if needed.
N Enter nesting mode.
shift+N Leave nesting mode.
1.9Choose the current move stepping.
ctrl+1.9Choose the current rotate stepping.
lmb+mousemoveWhile on the editing or compass background it will rotate the view in perspective mode or move the view in orthographic mode.
shift+lmb+mousemove While on the editing or compass background it will move the camera lookat in relation to the screen.
shift+ctrl+lmb+mousemoveWhile on the editing or compass background it will move the camera lookat in relation to the current edting plane.
rmb+mousemoveRotate the view in perspective mode or move the view in orthographic mode.
shift+rmb+mousemoveMove the camera lookat in relation to the screen.
shift+ctrl+rmb+mousemoveMove the camera lookat in relation to the current edting plane.
mousewheelZoom in/out on the lookat point.
ctrl+mousewheelZoom in/out on the lookat point using smaller steps.
shift+ctrl+mousewheelZoom in/out on the lookat point using larger steps.
mmbOpen related dialog to object below the mouse.

Here is a list of all the main shortcut keys in the game as of today! Double tap a building key to bring the camera to it, can be helpful if away from.

A keyboard shortcut (or shortcut key, hot key, hotkey, key combo, etc.) is a combination of keys that you press simultaneously in order to perform a certain action.

You can add, delete and edit keyboard shortcuts in a special window. World excel powerpoint.

When you specify a keyboard shortcut in Hot Virtual Keyboard, you can use any keys and their combinations, including Win, NumLock, CapsLock, Alt+Tab (except for Sleep, WakeUp, Power, F-Lock and Ctrl+Alt+Del).

Keyboard shortcuts are displayed on the virtual keyboard. Breeding table dragonvale. A separate set of keyboard shortcuts is displayed for each application.

Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys


Here is a list of all the main shortcut keys in the game as of today! Double tap a building key to bring the camera to it, can be helpful if away from.

A keyboard shortcut (or shortcut key, hot key, hotkey, key combo, etc.) is a combination of keys that you press simultaneously in order to perform a certain action.

You can add, delete and edit keyboard shortcuts in a special window. World excel powerpoint.

When you specify a keyboard shortcut in Hot Virtual Keyboard, you can use any keys and their combinations, including Win, NumLock, CapsLock, Alt+Tab (except for Sleep, WakeUp, Power, F-Lock and Ctrl+Alt+Del).

Keyboard shortcuts are displayed on the virtual keyboard. Breeding table dragonvale. A separate set of keyboard shortcuts is displayed for each application.

Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys

All Shortcuts On Computer

Since applications use different mechanisms for storing keyboard shortcuts, it is impossible to detect them automatically. So we use our own sets of keyboard shortcuts for each application. You can configure keyboard shortcuts for your application or for one of popular applications.

Hot Virtual Keyboard includes the keyboard shortcuts of the following applications:

  • Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP
  • Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts
  • Adobe ImageReady keyboard shortcuts
  • Adobe InDesign keyboard shortcuts
  • Adobe Photoshop keyboard shortcuts
  • CodeGear Developer Studio keyboard shortcuts
  • CorelDRAW keyboard shortcuts
  • Corel PHOTO-PAINT keyboard shortcuts
  • Mozilla Firefox keyboard shortcuts
  • Mozilla Thunderbird keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Document Explorer keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Office Word keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Office Excel keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Office Outlook keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Office Visio keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Windows Mail keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Media Player keyboard shortcuts
  • Windows Movie Maker keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Notepad keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Outlook Express keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Paint keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft WordPad keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio keyboard shortcuts
  • OpenOffice keyboard shortcuts
  • Opera Internet Browser keyboard shortcuts
  • The Bat! keyboard shortcuts

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